Wulle: Max vom Hochmoor III
Wulle: myself with Max
Wulle: playing around
Wulle: Max und Moritz ?
Wulle: Max and his trainer
Wulle: Max & Lara
Wulle: Max & Lara
Wulle: Max on Tour
Wulle: Angel & Demons
Wulle: Max & Lara dog training
Wulle: Max & Lara dog training
Wulle: Do you want play with me?
Wulle: Turoblinos
Wulle: Shelties in the wind
Wulle: gone with the wind
Wulle: Lara in the flowers
Wulle: Punch and Judy show
Wulle: sad shedog
Wulle: Max & Lara and the young steers
Wulle: _D8S4397
Wulle: _D3S6739
Wulle: _D3S6740
Wulle: Max not sleeping any more
Wulle: Max sleeping
Wulle: After Party Dogs
Wulle: Anything is much more interesting than …
Wulle: Shelites on the watch
Wulle: dog business
Wulle: Playing Sheltie Max
Wulle: pleased sheltie