WTL-Ottawa: Double-BlackMagics missing matte-boxes.
WTL-Ottawa: Rolling…
WTL-Ottawa: Cathy and Dan rolling…
WTL-Ottawa: Rolling
WTL-Ottawa: Tristan, script supervisor.
WTL-Ottawa: Ahmed watching the shot
WTL-Ottawa: Cathy and Dan running a take
WTL-Ottawa: Cathy's Ursa closeup.
WTL-Ottawa: Jonathan clapping!
WTL-Ottawa: Cathy from two angles.
WTL-Ottawa: Caelan, Adam, Jonathan, and Harrison prepping for a shot
WTL-Ottawa: Ahmed positioning Cathy's hair light while Tristan, Adam and Jonathan look on
WTL-Ottawa: Cathy, Ahmed and Dan working the script…
WTL-Ottawa: Chris the producer looking on
WTL-Ottawa: Coverage
WTL-Ottawa: Throwing light
WTL-Ottawa: Checking the frame with Ahmed
WTL-Ottawa: Cathy, Caelan, Ahmed and Dan sharing a laugh
WTL-Ottawa: Adam Boomin'
WTL-Ottawa: Ahmed and Chris checking the shot
WTL-Ottawa: Precarious BlackMagic. Last shot of the night!