sam desantis: 365; Day1.
sam desantis: 365day7
sam desantis: 365day 10`
sam desantis: 365DAY#12.
sam desantis: Hi, my name's Sam. And I suck at this whole 365 thing already.
sam desantis: good morning.
sam desantis: It's awesome when two strangers become best friends,
sam desantis: 365#18. I think I took this on October 15th.
sam desantis: 365#19.
sam desantis: "When do you get to be a grown-up? she said. When you can read & write & lie without laughing, I said & her eyes got big & she said she didn't know it was that hard "
sam desantis: 365#26
sam desantis: "This is a poison soup to kill all the bad witches, she said. How can you tell the difference? I asked. O, good witches are very polite & say no thank you. Bad witches just die."-story people
sam desantis: 365#29
sam desantis: 365#28
sam desantis: 365#27
sam desantis: Why is my pinky like that? 365#31.
sam desantis: Happy Halloween! 365#30.
sam desantis: 365#35.So I got these shoes last night...
sam desantis: I don't know if i like this too much. 365#36.
sam desantis: 365#38
sam desantis: 365#39
sam desantis: Sorrry I haven't been keeping up on here.
sam desantis: 365#45
sam desantis: 365#44
sam desantis: I wanted to be in a cool picture, too! hha 365#47.
sam desantis: 365#49
sam desantis: 365#51.
sam desantis: 365#50
sam desantis: 365 numberrrrrr 54.
sam desantis: This was taken almost 2years ago.