wsrmatre: High Priest Yuyu. New Kingdom
wsrmatre: High Priest Yuyu. Detail of Osiris. New Kingdom
wsrmatre: Cubic statue of Hay. New Kingdom.
wsrmatre: Cubic statue of Hay. Detail of Toth. New Kingdom.
wsrmatre: Four manifestations of Hator
wsrmatre: Hator II
wsrmatre: expo I
wsrmatre: snake mummy
wsrmatre: crocodile mummy
wsrmatre: fish mummy case
wsrmatre: fish mummy
wsrmatre: fish coffin
wsrmatre: fish sledge
wsrmatre: ibis mummy
wsrmatre: Animal mummys
wsrmatre: ibis coffin
wsrmatre: Ibis coffin II
wsrmatre: Falcon
wsrmatre: falcon coffinette
wsrmatre: Cat Mummy
wsrmatre: Cat Mummy II
wsrmatre: falcon coffin
wsrmatre: cats & dog
wsrmatre: Cat II
wsrmatre: cat III
wsrmatre: musaraña I
wsrmatre: Mangosta II
wsrmatre: dog mummy