Chantal Jacques Photography:
Catching a sunrise wave - American Wigeon Style
Duck's matrimony
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Keeping an eye on the potential predator - Common merganser style
DSP08956 - Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
Robert Fredagsvik - Norway:
Lunde - Puffin
Chantal Jacques Photography:
A kiss is still a kiss... familiar air - air connu!
Karen Miller Photography:
Red Squirrel
Karen Miller Photography:
Red Squirrel
Karen Miller Photography:
Crested Tit
Karen Miller Photography:
Red Deer
Karen Miller Photography:
Mountain Hare
Karen Miller Photography:
Mountain Hare
Karen Miller Photography:
Red Grouse
Karen Miller Photography:
Red Grouse
Karen Miller Photography:
Red Deer
Karen Miller Photography:
Red Deer
Karen Miller Photography:
Red Deer
Karen Miller Photography:
Red Deer
Gord Sawyer:
Red Fox
Merlebleus de l'Est | Cimetière Mont-Royal | Montréal
Robert Fredagsvik - Norway:
Storfugl - Tiur - Capercaillie
Luigi Remonti:
Red fox
On eye level with my friend
DSC_4727 copie
Douglas Riverside-Movie-Pictures:
Gary McHale:
Barn Owl
My baby whispers in my ear: Sweet nothing!