Chantal Jacques Photography: In a birdscape mood -- Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Chantal Jacques Photography: Cold Feet - Spotted Towhee Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Keeping your "beak" out of it - Scaup Style
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_8579
onnowildschut: The European wildcat; Felis silvestris
Chantal Jacques Photography: On the Go - Common Merganser Style
thatswildlife: Austrian baby kingfisher sees the light of day
nshaw6: Harris's hawk:
WhiteEye2: A leopard down by the river
monte stinnett: Northern Shoveler
onnowildschut: Middle Spotted Woodpecker; Dendrocoptes medius
Jack O'Donate: Coléoptère en hibernation. / Beetle in hibernation.
Amy Hudechek Photography: Lesser Goldfinch
Chantal Jacques Photography: Please don't make me move - Great Blue Heron Style
Gilbert Rolland: Pic chevelu (F) Hairy Woodpecker
[´ô]: Wintergoldhähnchen 20240616-DSC_6175-2
Ally.Kemp: Mountain Hare
Ally.Kemp: Mountain Hare
Simone Sanmartino: _DSC5725_cornice
nshaw6: Northern Harrier:
Chantal Jacques Photography: Stand-up - Red-breasted Merganser Style
WhiteEye2: A bobcat on a frozen pond
Nanard VASSEL: Cerfs Lozère 2024. Sa Majesté Chandelier !
fotodave22: DSP08942 - Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
biflex35: Graureiher Ardea cinerea
biflex35: Graureiher Ardea cinerea
biflex35: Krickente Anas crecca
biflex35: Krickente Anas crecca
sstihl: Sonnenaufgang am Weiher