wsmoye: Acer pensylvanicum, Betula lenta, and Vaccinium corymbosum
wsmoye: Acer rubrum and Rhododendron maximum
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Cornus florida, and Rhododendron maximum
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Ilex opaca, and Rhododendron sp.
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Kalmia latifolia, and Rhododendron maximum
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Pinus virginiana, and Rhododendron sp. at Smith's Cliffs
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Quercus montana, Tsuga caroliniana, Pinus strobus, and Rhododendron sp.
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Rhododendron maximum, and Pinus strobus
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Rhododendron sp., and trees
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Rhododendron sp., and trees
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Rhododendron sp., and trees
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Smilax sp., Kalmia latifolia, and unidentified composite
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Smilax sp., Kalmia latifolia, and unidentified composite
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Smilax sp., Kalmia latifolia, and unidentified composite
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Tsuga canadensis, and Rhododendron maximum
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Tsuga canadensis, and Rhododendron maximum
wsmoye: Acer rubrum, Tsuga canadensis, and Rhododendron maximum
wsmoye: Alnus serrulata and Rhododendron maximum
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba and Leucothoe fontanesiana
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba and Leucothoe fontanesiana
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba and Leucothoe fontanesiana
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba and Leucothoe fontanesiana
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba and Leucothoe fontanesiana
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba, Dryopteris marginalis, Leucothoe fontanesiana, and Rhododendron maximum
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba, Dryopteris marginalis, Leucothoe fontanesiana, and Rhododendron maximum
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba, Leucothoe fontanesiana, and Dryopteris marginalis
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba, Leucothoe fontanesiana, and Dryopteris marginalis
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba, Leucothoe fontanesiana, and Dryopteris marginalis
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba, Leucothoe fontanesiana, and Dryopteris marginalis
wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba, Leucothoe fontanesiana, and Dryopteris marginalis