wsmoye: Carya glabra and something hamamelidaceous
wsmoye: Dioscorea villosa, Hamamelis virginiana, and Rhododendron sp.
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major
wsmoye: Fothergilla major