wsmoye: Hepatica acutiloba, Mitchella repens, and Phlox stolonifera
wsmoye: Hepatica americana, Mitchella repens, and snail shell
wsmoye: Antennaria solitaria, Hexastylis catawbiensis, Mitchella repens, and unnamed grass
wsmoye: Asarum canadense, Phryma leptostachya, Galium sp., Sedum ternatum, Viola sp., and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Botrypus sp. or unidentified ophioglossaceous entity, Acer rubrum, Viola blanda, and Galium sp.
wsmoye: Botrypus sp. or unidentified ophioglossaceous entity, Acer rubrum, Viola blanda, and Galium sp.
wsmoye: Botrypus sp. or unidentified ophioglossaceous entity, Acer rubrum, Viola blanda, and Galium sp.
wsmoye: Botrypus sp. or unidentified ophioglossaceous entity, Acer rubrum, Viola blanda, and Galium sp.
wsmoye: Botrypus sp. or unidentified ophioglossaceous entity, Viola blanda, Acer rubrum, and Galium sp.
wsmoye: Botrypus sp. or unidentified ophioglossaceous entity, Viola blanda, Acer rubrum, and Galium sp.
wsmoye: Calycanthus floridus, Waldsteinia sp., and Mitchella repens
wsmoye: Cephalanthus occidentalis
wsmoye: Cephalanthus occidentalis
wsmoye: Cephalanthus occidentalis
wsmoye: Cephalanthus occidentalis
wsmoye: Cephalanthus occidentalis
wsmoye: Cephalanthus occidentalis
wsmoye: Cephalanthus occidentalis
wsmoye: Cephalanthus occidentalis
wsmoye: Diodia virginiana
wsmoye: Diodia virginiana
wsmoye: Diodia virginiana
wsmoye: Diphasiastrum digitatum and Mitchella repens
wsmoye: Diphasiastrum digitatum and Mitchella repens
wsmoye: Doellingeria infirma, Acer rubrum, Carpinus caroliniana, Mitchella repens, Hexastylis catawbiensis, Oxydendrum arboreum, and Antennaria sp.
wsmoye: Epigaea repens and Mitchella repens
wsmoye: Epigaea repens and Mitchella repens
wsmoye: Epigaea repens, Mitchella repens, and Cladonia sp.
wsmoye: Epigaea repens, Mitchella repens, and Cladonia sp.
wsmoye: Euonymus americanus, Acer rubrum, Ilex opaca, Bignonia capreolata, Polystichum acrostichoides, Pteridium aquilinum, and Mitchella repens