wsmoye: Amianthium muscitoxicum, Carex sp., and bryophytes
wsmoye: Amianthium muscitoxicum, Carex sp., and bryophytes
wsmoye: Hepatica americana, Erythronium umbilicatum ssp. umbilicatum, Carex sp., and unidentified composite
wsmoye: Hepatica americana, Erythronium umbilicatum ssp. umbilicatum, Carex sp., unidentified composite, and bryophytes
wsmoye: Antennaria sp., Carex sp., and lichens
wsmoye: Antennaria sp., Carex sp., and lichens
wsmoye: Antennaria sp., Heuchera sp., Carex sp., and Hylotelephium telephioides
wsmoye: Arundinaria appalachiana and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Arundinaria appalachiana and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Arundinaria appalachiana and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Arundinaria appalachiana and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Arundinaria appalachiana and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Arundinaria appalachiana and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Arundinaria appalchiana and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Asarum canadense, Phryma leptostachya, Galium sp., Sedum ternatum, Viola sp., and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Cardamine flagellifera, Carex sp., and Hepatica acutiloba
wsmoye: Carex biltmoreana
wsmoye: Carex biltmoreana
wsmoye: Carex biltmoreana
wsmoye: Carex biltmoreana
wsmoye: Carex biltmoreana
wsmoye: Carex biltmoreana
wsmoye: Carex biltmoreana
wsmoye: Carex biltmoreana
wsmoye: Carex scabrata likely
wsmoye: Carex scabrata likely
wsmoye: Carex scabrata likely
wsmoye: Carex scabrata likely
wsmoye: Carex scabrata likely
wsmoye: Carex sp.