wsmoye: Adiantum pedatum, Actaea racemosa, Tiarella cordifolia, Uvularia perfoliata, Hepatica americana, Geranium maculatum, and Nabalus sp.
wsmoye: Adiantum pedatum, Actaea recemosa, Tiarella cordifolia, Geranium maculatum, Uvularia perfoliata, Hepatica americana, and Nabalus sp.,
wsmoye: Galearis spectabilis, Stellaria pubera, Viola affinis, Viola blanda, Magnolia acuminata, Maianthemum racemosum, Nabalus sp., and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Galearis spectabilis, Stellaria pubera, Viola affinis, Viola blanda, Magnolia acuminata, Maianthemum racemosum, Nabalus sp., and Carex sp.
wsmoye: Isotria medeoloides, Acer rubrum, Actaea racemosa, Oxalis sp., Vitis sp., Nabalus sp., and Viola sp.
wsmoye: Mitchella repens, Erigeron pulchellus, Lonicera sempervirens, Hexastylis catawbiensis, Tipularia discolor, Heuchera sp., Nabalus sp., and Hypericum stragulum
wsmoye: Mitchella repens, Nabalus sp., Heuchera sp., and unidentified composites
wsmoye: Nabalus serpentarius
wsmoye: Nabalus serpentarius
wsmoye: Nabalus serpentarius
wsmoye: Nabalus serpentarius
wsmoye: Nabalus serpentarius
wsmoye: Nabalus serpentarius
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)
wsmoye: Nabalus sp. = Prenanthes sp. (possibly Nabalus barbatus?)