Bill Wetzel: Scotty hauling the frame with the jib halyard
Bill Wetzel: Hauling up the frame
Bill Wetzel: Setting it in place in front of the mast
Bill Wetzel: Attaching the winch
Bill Wetzel: I'm starting up the frame
Bill Wetzel: Attaching the lifting line above the spreaders
Bill Wetzel: Resonably comfortable on the frame
Bill Wetzel: Base support on the deck
Bill Wetzel: Winch and supporting 4x4
Bill Wetzel: Rear top of the frame
Bill Wetzel: Forward top of the frame
Bill Wetzel: Frame in place
Bill Wetzel: Frame in place
Bill Wetzel: Disconnecting the forestay
Bill Wetzel: Disconnecting the outter shroud
Bill Wetzel: Beginning to lower by hand
Bill Wetzel: On its way down with the winch
Bill Wetzel: Almost down, near point of maximum load
Bill Wetzel: Down - worked perfectly
Bill Wetzel: Another view of the winch
Bill Wetzel: Lower part of frame
Bill Wetzel: Scotty removing the winch assembly
Bill Wetzel: Upper part of the frame