Bill Wetzel: Steve took us to the train station
Bill Wetzel: Waiting for a 6:30 train
Bill Wetzel: Scotty joined us in NY
Bill Wetzel: Seating for staff in front of Low Library
Bill Wetzel: Wendy, Nana & Scotty
Bill Wetzel: The podium in front of statue of Alma Mater
Bill Wetzel: Seating on South Field in front of Butler Library
Bill Wetzel: Seating on South Field East
Bill Wetzel: Seating on South Field East
Bill Wetzel: Getting crowded
Bill Wetzel: A dashing couple in front of us
Bill Wetzel: College newspapers are good for something
Bill Wetzel: Bill, Wendy & Nana
Bill Wetzel: Scotty
Bill Wetzel: Above the columns on Low Library
Bill Wetzel: Grads procession on the jumbotron
Bill Wetzel: View towards Low
Bill Wetzel: Our view from our seats
Bill Wetzel: Over here, over here, I'm over here
Bill Wetzel: Seating on South Field behind us
Bill Wetzel: Seating on South Field, Butler in background
Bill Wetzel: Low Library
Bill Wetzel: Teacher's College grads were a rowdy bunch
Bill Wetzel: Security on Low's balcony
Bill Wetzel: One yellow dress stands out
Bill Wetzel: Billy is right in the middle
Bill Wetzel: Billy in the middle
Bill Wetzel: School of General Studies, Billy just left of center