Bill Wetzel: Ferndale
Bill Wetzel: Victorian storefronts in Ferndale
Bill Wetzel: False facade #1
Bill Wetzel: False facade #2
Bill Wetzel: False facade #3
Bill Wetzel: False facade #4
Bill Wetzel: Up above Ferndale on our way to the coast
Bill Wetzel: A view of the coast from high in the hills
Bill Wetzel: Looking north towards Eureka
Bill Wetzel: Cows grazing in the high pastures
Bill Wetzel: Lone trees on a ridge line
Bill Wetzel: Back down to sea level looking north towards Sugarloaf Island
Bill Wetzel: Looking south along the road to Petrolia
Bill Wetzel: Looking north along the road to Petrolia
Bill Wetzel: Along the road to Petrolia with Sugarloaf Island in the background
Bill Wetzel: Wendy admiring the Pacific Ocean
Bill Wetzel: Along the road to Petrolia
Bill Wetzel: Pacific Ocean
Bill Wetzel: Along the road to Petrolia
Bill Wetzel: Cows grazing in the upland pastures
Bill Wetzel: Cows grazing near the beach...
Bill Wetzel: coming closer...
Bill Wetzel: and closer...
Bill Wetzel: and closer...
Bill Wetzel: as the herd follows.
Bill Wetzel: Cows on the beach
Bill Wetzel: Second place winners cross the finish line of the Rye and Tide bike & foot race from Petrolia to the beach
Bill Wetzel: And cool off in the Pacific with the water temperature around 57 degrees.
Bill Wetzel: Driftwood on the beach