Bill Wetzel: Starboard view.
Bill Wetzel: South Bend 9" Lathe
Bill Wetzel: South Bend 9" Lathe from around 1928
Bill Wetzel: Patrick and the Van Norman 1/2
Bill Wetzel: Close-up of the bilge pump.
Bill Wetzel: Van Norman Model 1/2 Mill
Bill Wetzel: Van Norman Model 1/2 Mill
Bill Wetzel: Pratt & Whitney Universal Bench Mill
Bill Wetzel: Stephen, Patrick and Erin.
Bill Wetzel: Port view.
Bill Wetzel: The ROV on the surface.
Bill Wetzel: Erin tends the ROV.
Bill Wetzel: Coming back to the surface.
Bill Wetzel: Watching the monitor
Bill Wetzel: Another one of the ROV on the bottom.
Bill Wetzel: The Fury ROV on the bottom.
Bill Wetzel: Tending the tether.
Bill Wetzel: Stephen, Patrick, and Erin