thirdraildesignlab: First field use of the roof rack and bike trays. Thanks to the swept door jamb at the rear, effortless use of the car as a stool. Perfect!
thirdraildesignlab: Found these two artifacts from my youth. The miniature amuses me, considering you can't even get the lead stuff anymore thanks to Poison Panic. And the pin? TSR marketing. I was never in any such club!
thirdraildesignlab: #minimonday the CM still waiting for the badges and dorkery vinyl installation.
thirdraildesignlab: What kind of a dork am I? I had "cat" put on Finke and Flecke's collar tags. I almost used "animal". That kind of dork.
thirdraildesignlab: My favorite photo of my father: kisses his newish grandson. Couldn't love him more than this moment. Happy Father's Day dad, and thank you.
thirdraildesignlab: A pre-fathers day treat: early evening hustle up Mt Tam on my rigid single 29er. No megasharks, or pirates off the coast. All quiet in SF Bay.
thirdraildesignlab: Special Deliveries of 100% Minimum Awesome available.
thirdraildesignlab: This Abductinator is idling, blasting Bust A Move. IT'S A TRAP.
thirdraildesignlab: Fitter happier more productive
thirdraildesignlab: Viper [Wolverine Film version] WIP; I've been remiss in posting Third Rail Design Lab updates and process pics. Look for new art and process notes on my site and FB and DA pages.
thirdraildesignlab: Still thinking about last night's grilled chicken and spiced mango tacos... As I contemplate the lack of it tonight.
thirdraildesignlab: Ode to my dearly departed Karmann Ghia. I never should have let you go!
thirdraildesignlab: Couple on a shag rug
thirdraildesignlab: Bang bang bangbangbang
thirdraildesignlab: Go beast or go home! Admittedly I did both.
thirdraildesignlab: ...and turned Lost Forest insane very quickly.
thirdraildesignlab: The ride in this morning started out gracefully enough...
thirdraildesignlab: MINI Secondary Stage Escape Vehicle
thirdraildesignlab: 'Id consider going again, you know?'
thirdraildesignlab: Martinis, meat and mmmCorn. Ok that was weak.
thirdraildesignlab: Colormatched for science!
thirdraildesignlab: Stripes make you 3% faster
thirdraildesignlab: Bugs bugs bugs
thirdraildesignlab: Go go go Aids Lifecycle 2013! #alc12 #alc #aidslifecycle
thirdraildesignlab: Office Mini. #minimay day 31: toys
thirdraildesignlab: New tint is cooling it down nicely.
thirdraildesignlab: #minimay day 29: accessories. This was the custom engraved stubby antenna on my first MINI
thirdraildesignlab: Tweedledum and Stupid.