writethedocs: The Crystal Ballroom awaits....
writethedocs: All quiet
writethedocs: T-Shirts
writethedocs: Healthy!
writethedocs: Warming up with coffee
writethedocs: Vegie Sausage and Turkey Bacon, mmmm
writethedocs: Building Burritos
writethedocs: Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee
writethedocs: The all-important hot sauce
writethedocs: Digging in
writethedocs: Workshop: Learn How To Git
writethedocs: Workshop: Learn How To Git
writethedocs: Matthew Desmond - Learn How To Git Workshop
writethedocs: Settling in to work
writethedocs: Writing Day welcome notes from Eric
writethedocs: Writing Day call for participants: Kristof Van Tomme (API The Docs)
writethedocs: Writing Day call for participants: Janet Swisher (Mozilla)
writethedocs: Writing Day call for participants: Srishti Sethi (Wikimedia)
writethedocs: Writing Day call for participants: Eric Jeschke (Ginga)
writethedocs: Writing Day call for participants: Jared Bhatti (Kubernetes)
writethedocs: Writing Day call for participants: Anne Gentle (Openstack)
writethedocs: Code of Conduct Reminder: Mikey Ariel
writethedocs: Writing Day call for participants: Samuel Wright (Write The Docs)
writethedocs: Writing Day people
writethedocs: Writing Day people
writethedocs: Writing Day people
writethedocs: Writing Day people
writethedocs: Writing Day people
writethedocs: Writing Day people
writethedocs: Writing Day people