Rachel M. Murray: Fluff indeed.
Rachel M. Murray: terminal terminated
Rachel M. Murray: Is it 'kernal panic' or 'user panic'?
Rachel M. Murray: Well, that's not very nice
Rachel M. Murray: Evil Pop-up People
Rachel M. Murray: Well, sadly you just lost a customer.
Rachel M. Murray: Monopoly on the Treo sites
Rachel M. Murray: That'll be 3 Security Questions, Ma'am
Rachel M. Murray: Silly language
Rachel M. Murray: There is no 2.0 for the real world, damnit
Rachel M. Murray: Oh My God, For a Second I thought I Broke Google
Rachel M. Murray: Meditate This, Baby
Rachel M. Murray: Can't help but blame the user
Rachel M. Murray: A sad case of acronymitis
Rachel M. Murray: Not much confidence in that, then
Rachel M. Murray: R.I.P. last.fm
Rachel M. Murray: Pop-up from...somewhere...
Rachel M. Murray: Another reason to love England
Rachel M. Murray: conferences galore
Rachel M. Murray: Oh Cat Eye, how you confounded me...
Rachel M. Murray: Amazon Recipe Filter?
Rachel M. Murray: Roll yer own, but don't be a 'you'?
Rachel M. Murray: Accurate Medical Diagram
Rachel M. Murray: Dumbin' Down
Rachel M. Murray: OMG, you, like suck
Rachel M. Murray: Is that 'Pownced on' or 'Powned', anyway?
Rachel M. Murray: Corporate 'groups'
Rachel M. Murray: Safari error
Rachel M. Murray: Democracy in how many steps?