writemeg: waiting for the shuttle
writemeg: Spencer waiting
writemeg: sunrise
writemeg: waiting for the shuttle
writemeg: before the flight
writemeg: before the flight
writemeg: in the air
writemeg: from the air
writemeg: from the air
writemeg: Southwest map
writemeg: Southwest map
writemeg: P1030817
writemeg: from the air
writemeg: from the air
writemeg: menu
writemeg: Lake Effect Diner, Buffalo
writemeg: Talking Leaves Books
writemeg: Buffalo
writemeg: traffic light, Buffalo
writemeg: Walking on Main
writemeg: Talking Leaves Books
writemeg: Main St., Buffalo
writemeg: Talking Leaves Books, Buffalo
writemeg: shelves
writemeg: Spencer
writemeg: shelves
writemeg: shelves
writemeg: P1030836
writemeg: P1030837