Wraith34: Helleborus Lividus
Wraith34: Daffs after a shower
Wraith34: Euphorbia
Wraith34: Helleborus Lividus
Wraith34: Ivy After the Rain
Wraith34: Helleborus Lividus
Wraith34: Raindrop
Wraith34: Rock plants
Wraith34: Euphorbia shows it's true colours
Wraith34: Acer
Wraith34: Candy Tuft
Wraith34: Clematis Montana
Wraith34: Clematis Montana
Wraith34: Aquilegia
Wraith34: Allium
Wraith34: Allium
Wraith34: Allium
Wraith34: Clematis Montana
Wraith34: Aquilegia
Wraith34: Aquilegia
Wraith34: Aquilegia in the sun
Wraith34: Philadelphus in the rain
Wraith34: Philadelphus in the rain
Wraith34: Philadelphus in the rain
Wraith34: Philadelphus in the rain
Wraith34: Philadelphus in the rain
Wraith34: Golden Showers Rose
Wraith34: Wet Clematis President
Wraith34: Cuckoo Spit