wpnschick: My tiny little evergreen tree in the front yard.
wpnschick: #Winter #trees
wpnschick: "My tree" at night with no flash. I love the way the snow reflects the light and makes it bright all night long.
wpnschick: #Winter #trees
wpnschick: #Winter #trees
wpnschick: Our backyard tree today.
wpnschick: #Fall #Trees #fallcolors
wpnschick: #Fall #Trees #fallcolors
wpnschick: #Fall #Trees #fallcolors
wpnschick: #Fall #Trees #fallcolors
wpnschick: #Fall #Trees #fallcolors
wpnschick: #Fall #Trees #fallcolors
wpnschick: Fall is here, much to everyone's delight, except for me. 😔 I'm a spring and summer girl. #tree #flowers #fall
wpnschick: Fall is here, much to everyone's delight, except for me. 😔 I'm a spring and summer girl. #tree #flowers #fall
wpnschick: Fall is here, much to everyone's delight, except for me. 😔 I'm a spring and summer girl. #tree #flowers #fall
wpnschick: I took this on the way home from work tonight. I wished I'd had my camera instead of my phone. This doesn't do it justice.
wpnschick: I have a lot of landscaping work to do this summer, but I had to take photos of the Azalea in bloom.
wpnschick: 13MAR19 Sky
wpnschick: 13MAR19 Sky
wpnschick: 13MAR19 Sky
wpnschick: Leaves! 😊 Thankfully, #spring is finally here. This has been a very long winter. #trees #spring
wpnschick: Leaves! #trees #spring #nature #beautiful
wpnschick: The leaves have filled in nicely on "my" tree in the backyard. We've had a lot of rain.
wpnschick: 22MAY19 j
wpnschick: 22MAY19 k
wpnschick: 22MAY19 l
wpnschick: 22MAY19 m
wpnschick: 22MAY19 n
wpnschick: #Rainbow #spring #nature #sky
wpnschick: #Rainbow #spring #nature #sky