wpnschick: I've managed to find nearly all of the Marx kitchen pieces.
wpnschick: Here's the Marx Little Hostess turquoise pieces.
wpnschick: Here's the Marx Little Hostess turquoise pieces.
wpnschick: I got the pink kitchen for a 70's kitchen project, and the little one is Marx.
wpnschick: I got the pink kitchen for a 70's kitchen project, and the little one is Marx.
wpnschick: marx little hostess yellow - Not mine
wpnschick: We are still having issues with the paint on the Marx kitchen. :/
wpnschick: Marx Little Hostess kitchen makeover
wpnschick: Marx Little Hostess kitchen makeover
wpnschick: As usual, I'm working on several projects at once whenever I have a spare moment. Today, I'm off to the craft store to get supplies for a custom order, so these will be on hold.
wpnschick: Work continues on the Marx Little Hostess Kitchen pieces
wpnschick: Work continues on the Marx Little Hostess Kitchen pieces