woutermaes: Breaching Humpback Whale
woutermaes: Eastern grey kangaroo joey
woutermaes: jumping grey kangaroo
woutermaes: just scratching
woutermaes: Wild Tasmanian devil feeding
woutermaes: Koala mother and young
woutermaes: Koala perched
woutermaes: Wombat up close - Cradle mountain, Tasmania
woutermaes: Platypus
woutermaes: Jumping 4m long crocodile
woutermaes: Bigmouth strikes again
woutermaes: Splash!
woutermaes: Frilled lizard sunbathing on termite mount
woutermaes: Python ready to attack
woutermaes: Red-bellied black snake sensing me
woutermaes: Fighting Red-bellied black snakes
woutermaes: Smiling gekko
woutermaes: Wallum sedge frog portrait
woutermaes: Close-up of a tree frog in the Daintree rainforest, Australia
woutermaes: Tree frog in the Daintree NP
woutermaes: Looking at me?
woutermaes: Forest kingfisher
woutermaes: Portrait of a wild Cassowary
woutermaes: Cassowary
woutermaes: Cassowary portrait
woutermaes: Emu close-up
woutermaes: Victoria Riflebird displaying
woutermaes: Riflebird displaying
woutermaes: Displaying birds of paradise
woutermaes: Wedge-tailed eagle looking angry