Foto Wouter: Sunrise
Foto Wouter: Forest by sunrise
Foto Wouter: Forest by sunrise
Foto Wouter: caterpillar
Foto Wouter: Morning light
Foto Wouter: lizard
Foto Wouter: Icarusblauwtje
Foto Wouter: Sunset
Foto Wouter: Sunset
Foto Wouter: klaprozen
Foto Wouter: klaproos
Foto Wouter: sholekster (J) / Oystercatcher (J)
Foto Wouter: Kievit / Lapwing
Foto Wouter: Scholekster / Oystercatcher
Foto Wouter: view from the Cairn Gorm
Foto Wouter: view from the Cairn Gorm
Foto Wouter: view from the Cairn Gorm
Foto Wouter: Waterjuffers
Foto Wouter: wintertalingen
Foto Wouter: Mannetje Vink / Chaffinch
Foto Wouter: Grasmus / whitethroat
Foto Wouter: Kikkers / Frogs
Foto Wouter: geelgors
Foto Wouter: Tjiftjaf / chiffchaff