woto: EUGridPMA group at Cosener's House, Abingdon
woto: The Cosener's House, Abingdon
woto: Panoramic view from Cosener's House, Abingdon, UK
woto: The Cosener's House and Thames
woto: The Cosener's House and Thames
woto: Thames, Abingdon
woto: The Cosener's House, Abingdon
woto: Trendells folly ruins in the abbey gardens at Abingdon
woto: Trendells folly ruins in the abbey gardens at Abingdon
woto: Trendells folly ruins in the abbey gardens at Abingdon
woto: Trendells folly ruins in the abbey gardens at Abingdon
woto: Trendells folly ruins in the abbey gardens at Abingdon
woto: Abingdon - cruce de caminos - 1
woto: Abingdon
woto: Yellow line at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
woto: RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
woto: 2 antennas at RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
woto: The Cosener's House, Abingdon
woto: Trendells folly ruins in the abbey gardens at Abingdon, seen from The Cosener’s House
woto: Abingdon, The Cosener’s House
woto: St Nicolas Church - Abingdon
woto: Abingdon - cruce de caminos - 2
woto: Abingdon
woto: St. Nicolas Church, Abingdon
woto: John Roysse's Free School, Abingdon
woto: John Roysse's Free School, Abingdon
woto: Abingdon County Hall Museum seen from St Nicolas
woto: The Old School from Oxford Glocester Green Station
woto: London Heathrow airport