Wosog: Camus nan Gaell
Wosog: Weekend retreat
Wosog: Shells
Wosog: Looking across the Sound to.......
Wosog: Sunrise
Wosog: Small Cove
Wosog: Pretty garden
Wosog: The higher you go increases the liklihood of snow!
Wosog: Following these signs takes you in circles!
Wosog: The Sound of Dura
Wosog: They gang is almost all there
Wosog: Footsteps
Wosog: We were right up on top!
Wosog: In need of some restoration
Wosog: Traditional Scottish Breakfast
Wosog: Sea urchins and boat
Wosog: Wee boat
Wosog: Crossed anchors
Wosog: Shells
Wosog: On a mission
Wosog: Rusty winch
Wosog: Flakey boat!
Wosog: A right noisy bunch
Wosog: The Vital Spark