Wosog: Mosaic from the Bathhouse floor
Wosog: Mosaic of Neptune and Amphitrite
Wosog: Mosaic floor
Wosog: Beware of the dog!
Wosog: Interesting Mosaic
Wosog: Roar
Wosog: Mosaic
Wosog: Hunting scene
Wosog: The peacock
Wosog: The four seasons
Wosog: Narcissus
Wosog: Floor with peacock detail
Wosog: The triumph of Dionysos
Wosog: The triumph of Dionysos
Wosog: Ganymede and the eagle
Wosog: Tiger
Wosog: Pyramos and Thisbe
Wosog: Dionysos and Akme
Wosog: Icarios and Ox cart
Wosog: Neptune and Amymone
Wosog: Apollo and Daphne
Wosog: Impluvium
Wosog: Half naked maenad
Wosog: Thetis, Doris and Galatea
Wosog: Musical contest between Marsyas and Apollo
Wosog: Dionysos is handed over to Tropheus
Wosog: Theseus and the Minotaur
Wosog: The first bath of Achilles
Wosog: Cupid
Wosog: Hallway floor mosaic