Benny aka WortLichtMaler: Cold Tomato...
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: [Press 'L'] Macro Mondays - Texture of Lavender
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: [2nd choice] Texture - Macro Mondays (another guessing game)
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: Texture (another guessing game)
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: [third] Texture
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: Bottoms Up - guess what it is... HMM [explored]
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: The moment! Vanessa atalanta
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: zutraulicher Flattermann - trusting Butterfly
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: Smile On Saturday [SoS] Water Droplets
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: sitting on moss, having dinner - HMM - Into The Woods
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: High Key Angel...
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: Macro Monday Abstract
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: into the sun...
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: carrier pigeon gone astray...
Benny aka WortLichtMaler: Biene an der Aster...