Mishu Mathu: Getting closer.
Mishu Mathu: Mountains, tourists, run down fourwheel.
Mishu Mathu: Getting stuck in the middle of nowhere.
Mishu Mathu: Clichés.
Mishu Mathu: #farawaypeople
Mishu Mathu: Panorama.
Mishu Mathu: Earlier today.
Mishu Mathu: Day two.
Mishu Mathu: Husband and I.
Mishu Mathu: My parents!
Mishu Mathu: Walking down the Siq.
Mishu Mathu: The treasury.
Mishu Mathu: More clichés.
Mishu Mathu: Nabatean tombs, donkeys, tourists. Lots of all.
Mishu Mathu: Cut into stones.
Mishu Mathu: Donkey ride.
Mishu Mathu: donkey ride.
Mishu Mathu: Souvenirs.
Mishu Mathu: The monastery. (a smaller version of the Treasury.)
Mishu Mathu: Group picture!
Mishu Mathu: Mummy and me
Mishu Mathu: My father.
Mishu Mathu: Outlook.
Mishu Mathu: It's been a fun weekend.
Mishu Mathu: Going North: Ash Showbak castle.
Mishu Mathu: Just a glimpse (Dana Wild Life Reserve).
Mishu Mathu: Oh Dead Sea, you evil temptress for thirsty men.