worldslargestthings: WLT Display at the Catsup Festival
worldslargestthings: Rotate-O-Matic Whirlwind Wonderhouse of World's Largest Things
worldslargestthings: Carhenge atop the Whirlwind Wonderhouse
worldslargestthings: Catsup Queen ogles the display
worldslargestthings: Buddy Eel-Vis bike makes an appearance
worldslargestthings: KZQZ Mobile Boom Box
worldslargestthings: Art Car and Mustang
worldslargestthings: Mini Mustang
worldslargestthings: Best trophies EVER!
worldslargestthings: Catsup cake!
worldslargestthings: Rain starts, cars get covered
worldslargestthings: Catsup on Ice