worldslargestthings: WSV o WL Baseball Bat, Louisville KY
worldslargestthings: WLCoWSVoWLT
worldslargestthings: Group #2 spots some WL Things
worldslargestthings: Another team's WSV
worldslargestthings: Made a new WS Version while waiting for a download
worldslargestthings: Meta Photo with the World's Largest Ball of Video Tape
worldslargestthings: Window display
worldslargestthings: Window display
worldslargestthings: Window display
worldslargestthings: big and little albert
worldslargestthings: 4. World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things Traveling Roadside Attraction and Museum
worldslargestthings: 5. Words Smallest Version of the Worlds Largest Badger: Enlargement