World Resources:
Ambassador Shakar Sharma of Nepal responds to the WRR's findings
World Resources:
WRI Interim President Manish Bapna describes the risks involved in climate change
World Resources:
Audience at the launch of the World Resources Report 2010-2011
World Resources:
Ambassador Sharma participates in the Climate Risk Game
World Resources:
Pablo Suarez introduces climate change as an unpredictable variable
World Resources:
Heather McGray consults her team in the Climate Risk Game
World Resources:
Kelly Levin discusses the challenges of improving national resilince to climate change
World Resources:
Manish Bapna addresses the audience
World Resources:
Playing the climate risk game- a roll of the 6-sided die represents a weather cycle
World Resources:
Participating in the climate risk scenario game
World Resources:
A group discusses whether to invest in drought or flood insurance
World Resources:
Feedback session following the climate risk game