amyla174: Blue Warbler, Yellow Warbler
amyla174: Amy Gross, Trametes Blue Biotope
amyla174: Amy Gross, Flora Terraria
amyla174: Amy Gross, Palm Warbler's Biotope
amyla174: Pine Warbler
amyla174: Amy Gross, Biotope
amyla174: Amy Gross, Tree Fungi Biotope, detail
amyla174: Amy Gross, Tree Fungi Biotope, detail
amyla174: Amy Gross, Tree Fungi Biotope
amyla174: AmyGross, Brood Comb Biotope, detail
amyla174: Amy Gross, Brood Comb Biotope, detail
amyla174: AmyGross, Brood Comb Biotope
amyla174: Untitled Biotope
amyla174: Untitled Biotope
amyla174: Untitled Biotope
amyla174: Untitled Biotope
amyla174: Artistry in Fiber: Volume 2: Sculpture, by Anne Lee and E. Ashley Rooney
amyla174: Artistry in Fiber: Volume 2: Sculpture, by Anne Lee and E. Ashley Rooney
amyla174: Artistry in Fiber: Volume 2: Sculpture, by Anne Lee and E. Ashley Rooney
amyla174: Artistry in Fiber: Volume 2: Sculpture, by Anne Lee and E. Ashley Rooney
amyla174: Artistry in Fiber: Volume 2: Sculpture, by Anne Lee and E. Ashley Rooney
amyla174: Working on an orb
amyla174: Amy Gross, A Pink Biotope, (detail)4
amyla174: Gritty in Pink
amyla174: Amy Gross, Iris Mushroom Biotope
amyla174: #amygross #biotope #fiberart
amyla174: Amy Gross, PinkBiotope - Detail-1
amyla174: Amy Gross - PinkBiotope - Detail-1
amyla174: Black and White Warbler's Biotope, for Aviary, at Watson MacRae Gallery, Sanibel
amyla174: Black and White Warbler's Biotopeinprogress