World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: David Malpass, Janet Yellen, and Kristalina Georgieva discuss economic recovery
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: Economic Recovery. World Bank Group President David Malpass speaks with panelists
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: Economic Recovery event with Janet Yellen
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: Economic Recovery
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: Economic Recovery
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: Economic Recovery
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: Economic Recovery
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: Economic Recovery
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings Economic Recovery panel.
World Bank Photo Collection: Makhtar Diop, Managing Director, International Finance Corporation
World Bank Photo Collection: Manuela Ferro, Vice President, Operations Policy and Country Services, World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: Srimathi Sridhar and Paul Blake host the Economic Recovery live show during 2021 Spring Meetings
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: Economic Recovery live show taping
World Bank Photo Collection: 2021 Spring Meetings: Being the scenes of the Economic Recovery live show