World Bank Photo Collection: world bank meetings
World Bank Photo Collection: world bank meetings
World Bank Photo Collection: 100716-Plenary-0376f
World Bank Photo Collection: world bank meetings
World Bank Photo Collection: 100716-Plenary-0303f
World Bank Photo Collection: world bank meetings
World Bank Photo Collection: 100716-Plenary-0298dt
World Bank Photo Collection: 100716-Plenary-0286dt
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim give opening remarks
World Bank Photo Collection: world bank meetings
World Bank Photo Collection: 100716-Plenary-0272dt
World Bank Photo Collection: 100716-Plenary-0262dt
World Bank Photo Collection: 100716-Plenary-0258dt
World Bank Photo Collection: 100716-Plenary-0241dt
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim give opening remarks
World Bank Photo Collection: Staff members listen to opening remarks
World Bank Photo Collection: Interpretation booth at the plenary
World Bank Photo Collection: Interpretation booths
World Bank Photo Collection: International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde
World Bank Photo Collection: IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde
World Bank Photo Collection: IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde
World Bank Photo Collection: Audience applauds speech
World Bank Photo Collection: Audience applauds speech
World Bank Photo Collection: Delegates listen to opening remarks
World Bank Photo Collection: world bank meetings
World Bank Photo Collection: IMF / World Bank Annual Meetings
World Bank Photo Collection: world bank meetings
World Bank Photo Collection: Taped speech from US President Barack Obama
World Bank Photo Collection: world bank meetings