World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim talks to Lebanese university students at Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Beirut
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim talks to Lebanese university students at Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Beirut
World Bank Photo Collection: Lebanese university students poses questions to World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President, Jim Yong Kim talks to university students at Ministry of Education and Higher Education
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim visits a literacy class in the Bourj hammoud Social Development Center
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim visits Bourj hammoud Social Development Center
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim is welcomed by Syrian refugee students at the Bourjhammoud Public School #2
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim visits classrooms filled with Syrian refugee students at the Bourjhammoud Public School #2
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim visits with Prime Minister of Lebanon Tamam Salam
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim visits with Ministry of Finance of Lebanon, Ali Hasan Khalil
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim visits classrooms filled with Syrian refugee students at the Bourjhammoud Public School #2
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim visits classrooms filled with Syrian refugee students at the Bourjhammoud Public School #2
World Bank Photo Collection: Syrian refugee students listen to their school teacher during math classes
World Bank Photo Collection: Syrian refugee students line up for classes at Bourjhammoud Public School #2
World Bank Photo Collection: Syrian refugee, Elham holds her son Ahmad in their makeshift home, they have found temporary safety in Kafar Kahel informal settlement
World Bank Photo Collection: Syrian refugees have found temporary safety in Kafar Kahel informal settlement
World Bank Photo Collection: Syrian refugees have found temporary safety in Kafar Kahel informal settlement in the Koura District
World Bank Photo Collection: Fatima, a Syrian refugee as her child vaccinated
World Bank Photo Collection: Fatima, a Syrian refugee as her children vaccinated
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Lebanon Country Director, Ferid Belhaj gives World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim a book on Lebanon as they spoke with staff
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank President Jim Yong Kim is welcomed by Minister of Economy and Trade of Lebanon, Dr. Alain Hakim
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim talks with World Bank staff members in Beirut
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim talks with World Bank staff members in Beirut
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim talks with World Bank staff members in Beirut
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim talks with World Bank staff members in Beirut
World Bank Photo Collection: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim is welcomed by World Bank Lebanon Country Director, Ferid Belhaj
World Bank Photo Collection: Daily life in Beirut
World Bank Photo Collection: City view of Beirut
World Bank Photo Collection: Waheed plays with his daughter Alaa
World Bank Photo Collection: Kaddoura, was born in Syria and has lived in Beirut, Lebanon for the last 23 years