World Bank Photo Collection: Flooding in Jakarta
World Bank Photo Collection: Rehabilitating Jakarta's waterways to mitigate flood risk
World Bank Photo Collection: The People’s Square in Yanting
World Bank Photo Collection: People from Delmas 32 talk while overlooking their neighborhood
World Bank Photo Collection: Doing homework in Delmas 32
World Bank Photo Collection: A view of Delmas 32, a neighborhood in Haiti which many residence are beneficiaries of the PRODEPUR- Habitat project
World Bank Photo Collection: Jeanine Emmanvelle lives in Delmas 32, Haiti. She spoke about improvements to the walkways and street lights in her neighborhood throught the PRODEPUR-Habitat program
World Bank Photo Collection: VIew of the coast from the roof of the Arahama Elementary School
World Bank Photo Collection: View from the Seaside Adventure Field
World Bank Photo Collection: View from Seaside Adventure Field where debris is being sorted
World Bank Photo Collection: At the site of the Seaside Adventure Field in Sendai, Japan.
World Bank Photo Collection: At the site of the Seaside Adventure Field in Sendai, Japan.
World Bank Photo Collection: At the site of the Seaside Adventure Field in Sendai, Japan. Seperation and recycling of debris.
World Bank Photo Collection: Arahama Elementary School, Sendai, Japan
World Bank Photo Collection: Exterior of Arahama Elementary School
World Bank Photo Collection: Interior of Arahama Elementary School.
World Bank Photo Collection: Exterior of Arahama Elementary School
World Bank Photo Collection: The exterior of Arahama Elementary School is now being used to sort debris before recycling.
World Bank Photo Collection: Interior of Arahama Elementary School.
World Bank Photo Collection: The exterior of Arahama Elementary School is now being used to sort debris before recycling.
World Bank Photo Collection: The exterior of Arahama Elementary School is now being used to sort debris before recycling.
World Bank Photo Collection: View from train travelling from Tokyo to Sendai
World Bank Photo Collection: Girls playing soccer in flooded school yard
World Bank Photo Collection: Constructing seawalls
World Bank Photo Collection: Prasitchai is earning his PhD in civil engineering
World Bank Photo Collection: A flood control dam in Tianjin
World Bank Photo Collection: Road reconstruction
World Bank Photo Collection: Workers at an asphalt plant
World Bank Photo Collection: Some of the 750,000 cubic square meters of rubble at the Truitier debris management site
World Bank Photo Collection: Nonouche, a worker at the Truitier debris management site