World Bank Photo Collection: Overview of Beira, Mozambique.
World Bank Photo Collection: Overview of Beira, Mozambique.
World Bank Photo Collection: Schools in Beira suffered the effects of Cyclone Idai.
World Bank Photo Collection: Young boys play soccer in the city of Beira.
World Bank Photo Collection: Young boys play by the seashore in the city of Beira.
World Bank Photo Collection: In Beira, Cyclone Idai caused damage to infrastructure
World Bank Photo Collection: Many building in Beira had their roof damages by Cyclone Idai.
World Bank Photo Collection: Damage in Beira after Cyclone Idai
World Bank Photo Collection: Play area for children in Beira
World Bank Photo Collection: Play area for children in Beira
World Bank Photo Collection: Canals, flood controls stations and water retention basins
World Bank Photo Collection: Canals, flood controls stations and water retention basins
World Bank Photo Collection: Many building in Beira had their roof damages by Cyclone Idai.
World Bank Photo Collection: Canals, flood controls stations and water retention basins
World Bank Photo Collection: In Beira, Cyclone Idai caused damage to infrastructure
World Bank Photo Collection: In Beira, Cyclone Idai caused damage to infrastructure
World Bank Photo Collection: The Beira Central Hospital whose roof was destroyed during Cyclone Idai
World Bank Photo Collection: The Beira Central Hospital whose roof was destroyed during Cyclone Idai
World Bank Photo Collection: Temporary tents where surgeries are performed after Cyclone Idai destroyed roof of the Beira Central Hospital
World Bank Photo Collection: Temporary tents where surgeries are performed after Cyclone Idai destroyed roof of the Beira Central Hospital
World Bank Photo Collection: The Beira Central Hospital whose roof was destroyed during Cyclone Idai
World Bank Photo Collection: Municipal worker cleans canals that reduce the risk of flooding in Beira
World Bank Photo Collection: Canals, flood controls stations and water retention basins
World Bank Photo Collection: Polluted ditches and canals
World Bank Photo Collection: Polluted ditches and canals
World Bank Photo Collection: Polluted stream and water pipe
World Bank Photo Collection: Woman carries water containers
World Bank Photo Collection: Views of Maputo
World Bank Photo Collection: Views of Maputo
World Bank Photo Collection: Views of Maputo