World Bank Photo Collection: Florence and Diana play chess ikaaya girls’ club in northern Kampala
World Bank Photo Collection: Latifa the owner-caretaker of her family’s 20-acre farm
World Bank Photo Collection: Teddy runs a small shop n the small rural community of Kantuule
World Bank Photo Collection: Agnes, surrounded by small children
World Bank Photo Collection: Portrait of Nayitoni
World Bank Photo Collection: Florence and five of her children
World Bank Photo Collection: Betty pours molten metal into dirt-covered molds to make cooking pots
World Bank Photo Collection: Betty teaches mothers with small children about nutrition
World Bank Photo Collection: Olivia surveys the fruits of her labor
World Bank Photo Collection: Margaret runs the Alpha & Omega Beauty Salon in the Gazaland Mall
World Bank Photo Collection: A family in Kampala
World Bank Photo Collection: Taking a break in the schoolyard
World Bank Photo Collection: Children at a primary school
World Bank Photo Collection: Children at a primary school
World Bank Photo Collection: A classroom in Kampala
World Bank Photo Collection: Fishing boats in Entebbe
World Bank Photo Collection: A group of friends in Entebbe
World Bank Photo Collection: Portrait of two friends in Entebbe
World Bank Photo Collection: Portrait of a boy in Entebbe
World Bank Photo Collection: Fishing in Entebbe
World Bank Photo Collection: Fishing in Entebbe
World Bank Photo Collection: National Environment Management Authority in Kampala
World Bank Photo Collection: A primary classroom in Kampala
World Bank Photo Collection: Completing a lesson
World Bank Photo Collection: Students finish their lessons in class
World Bank Photo Collection: Internet cafe in Kampala
World Bank Photo Collection: Using a computer in an internet cafe
World Bank Photo Collection: Woman uses a computer in an internet cafe
World Bank Photo Collection: A barber shop in Kampala
World Bank Photo Collection: A shopping center in Kampala