World Bank Photo Collection: Financial Inclusion: Why are people unbanked?
World Bank Photo Collection: Financial Inclusion: Who are the unbanked?
World Bank Photo Collection: Financial Inclusion: Regional Differences in Banking
World Bank Photo Collection: Financial Inclusion: Going Mobile
World Bank Photo Collection: Safety Nets Work
World Bank Photo Collection: Student in classroom
World Bank Photo Collection: Sorting tomatoes
World Bank Photo Collection: Infants sleeping
World Bank Photo Collection: Students in classroom
World Bank Photo Collection: Safety Nets: Impact
World Bank Photo Collection: Safety Nets: What they look like
World Bank Photo Collection: Safety Nets: Why are they important?
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - School Feeding Programs
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Keeping Girls in School
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Pre- and Post-Natal Care
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Medical Costs
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Maternal Health
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Cash Transfers to Families
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Unpaid Workers
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Family and Food Pressures
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Farmer Support
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Food Crisis
World Bank Photo Collection: Close the Gap - Jobs
World Bank Photo Collection: Women working in a field
World Bank Photo Collection: A young woman at work
World Bank Photo Collection: Women in a classroom
World Bank Photo Collection: Constructing new roads
World Bank Photo Collection: ZM-SE002 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: Students in a school cafeteria
World Bank Photo Collection: A craftsman make a chair from wicker