World Bank Photo Collection: Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic in Bangkok
World Bank Photo Collection: Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic in Bangkok
World Bank Photo Collection: Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic in Bangkok
World Bank Photo Collection: HIV testing facility in Bangkok
World Bank Photo Collection: HIV testing facility in Bangkok
World Bank Photo Collection: A nurse at an HIV testing facility
World Bank Photo Collection: A caretaker at an HIV testing facility
World Bank Photo Collection: Reviewing imaging scans of a patient
World Bank Photo Collection: Technician prepares a high-tech medical imaging system
World Bank Photo Collection: Nurses help a patient from her bed
World Bank Photo Collection: Nurses help a patient from her bed
World Bank Photo Collection: A team of nurses discuss their daily schedule and duties
World Bank Photo Collection: Elderly people sign up for health packages
World Bank Photo Collection: Architects use mobile technology and look at building plans
World Bank Photo Collection: A young professional who works at a creative agency
World Bank Photo Collection: Thammasat University students and teachers
World Bank Photo Collection: A university student who is earning her bachelor's degree
World Bank Photo Collection: Civil engineering students
World Bank Photo Collection: Building job-relevant skills are made possible through training programs while in school
World Bank Photo Collection: Prasitchai is earning his PhD in civil engineering
World Bank Photo Collection: Jobs that require creativity and innovation come with higher salaries
World Bank Photo Collection: TS-TH014 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: TS-TH013 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: TS-TH012 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: TS-TH011 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: TS-TH010 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: TS-TH009 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: TS-TH008 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: TS-TH007 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: TS-TH006 World Bank