World Bank Photo Collection: Ayesa trains women to make shirts
World Bank Photo Collection: Florence and Diana play chess ikaaya girls’ club in northern Kampala
World Bank Photo Collection: Arielle a nurse in the health center at Athiémé
World Bank Photo Collection: The women who smoke fish in Katanga now have a modern processing device that allows them to cure the fish without damaging their health
World Bank Photo Collection: Madame Aziamadi Massan is the neighborhood herbalist
World Bank Photo Collection: Hadiza prepares a family meal
World Bank Photo Collection: Amina spends the majority of her time encouraging young women
World Bank Photo Collection: Third grader, Mariama
World Bank Photo Collection: Each day Kosseye collects water from a neighbor's well
World Bank Photo Collection: Helinaworks for a real estate construction firm
World Bank Photo Collection: Latifa the owner-caretaker of her family’s 20-acre farm
World Bank Photo Collection: Teddy runs a small shop n the small rural community of Kantuule
World Bank Photo Collection: Agnes, surrounded by small children
World Bank Photo Collection: Portrait of Nayitoni
World Bank Photo Collection: Florence and five of her children
World Bank Photo Collection: Betty pours molten metal into dirt-covered molds to make cooking pots
World Bank Photo Collection: Blanche and Pulchérie are midwives at a hospital in Benin
World Bank Photo Collection: The driver of this taxi-moto pauses on a country road in Athiémé
World Bank Photo Collection: Antoinette, a nurse at a health center in Athiémé
World Bank Photo Collection: Evelyne and Adoko, farbic traders
World Bank Photo Collection: Atatti and Loumonvi sell charcoal in the streets of Bè-Ablogamé,
World Bank Photo Collection: Cecile uns a makeshift grocery in the streets of Bè-Ablogamér
World Bank Photo Collection: Women of the Délali Association
World Bank Photo Collection: Professor Amivi Kafui Tete-Benissan teaches cell biology and biochemistry
World Bank Photo Collection: Portrait of Abou amid millet stalks dried in the sun
World Bank Photo Collection: Children in the village of Guéchémé use a omen’s prayer space to pursue their studies while a new school is being built
World Bank Photo Collection: Products based on local grains are prepared with devices such as this processing unit
World Bank Photo Collection: Women in the CERNAFA cooperative_DSC3277f
World Bank Photo Collection: Katimou, a doctor, works in her vegetable garden on the weekends
World Bank Photo Collection: Nebiba Mohammed at the Shints textile factory