World Bank Photo Collection: Koro Mariko has blood tests done at the Centre De Sante Communautaire De Banconi
World Bank Photo Collection: Mothers wait to vaccinate their babies
World Bank Photo Collection: Mothers wait to vaccinate their babies
World Bank Photo Collection: Djeneba Sidibe has her baby Kounandi Keita vaccinated for polio
World Bank Photo Collection: Unload sacks of onions in a farmers market in Bamako
World Bank Photo Collection: A portrait of Mohed
World Bank Photo Collection: Greenhouse workers
World Bank Photo Collection: Aminata works in a greenhouse
World Bank Photo Collection: Djenebou works in the greenhouse
World Bank Photo Collection: Farma works in a tomato filled greenhouse
World Bank Photo Collection: Bekaye waters his vegetables near the Niger River in Bamako
World Bank Photo Collection: Astan her blood pressure checked in the maternity ward of Asacoba health clinic in Bamako
World Bank Photo Collection: A newborn boy in the maternity ward of Asacoba health clinic in Bamako
World Bank Photo Collection: Employess of an agribusiness in Mali
World Bank Photo Collection: A woman plows her fields
World Bank Photo Collection: ML100S01 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: ML102S08 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: ML110S03 World Bank
World Bank Photo Collection: ML110S08 World Bank