Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Rocky Fortress / Fortaleza Rocosa
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Paradisical Lake / Lago Paradisiaco
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Piled Up / Amontonados
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Military Convoy / Convoy Militar
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Lazy Afternoon under the Sun of Toscany / Tarde de Descanso bajo el Sol de La Toscana
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Querubines Sucios ... iluminados desde lo Alto / Dirty Cherubs ... Enlighten from above
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Como en un Cuento de Hadas / Like a Fairy Tale
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Patience is the Key to Success
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Winter Morning along the Adda River
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
... a Tear and a Rose for the Fallen
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Man's Best Friends, and they can do Acrobatics too !!!
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Looking for Paradise
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Curious Little Minds Trapped in Traffic
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
Sometimes We Need Protection from the Things We Want
Far & Away (On assigment, mostly off):
If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking.