Roger Cullman: Lori the Faerie with her magical gloves
Roger Cullman: Lori on York Street
Roger Cullman: Faerie almost ready for departure
Roger Cullman: Faerie in flight?
Roger Cullman: Faerie keeping warm
Roger Cullman: Sean profile
Roger Cullman: Sean looking cool
Roger Cullman: Cute elvin ears
Roger Cullman: What the devil are we up to?
Roger Cullman: At the master controls
Roger Cullman: Chartered
Roger Cullman: Tailgating
Roger Cullman: Faerie with lots of bracelets
Roger Cullman: Faerie green eyes
Roger Cullman: Faerie in black
Roger Cullman: Wondertwin powers activate!
Roger Cullman: Having a sit-down break
Roger Cullman: Party right down to the back
Roger Cullman: Picture perfect
Roger Cullman: Wildman with shirt on
Roger Cullman: Smile on the streetcar
Roger Cullman: Excuse me, it's my stop
Roger Cullman: Party time!
Roger Cullman: More streamers on the streetcar
Roger Cullman: Streamers on the streetcar
Roger Cullman: Smiles, hair extensions and buttons
Roger Cullman: Who you lookin' at?
Roger Cullman: Where's the party?
Roger Cullman: Boombox on the streetcar
Roger Cullman: Streamers aplenty