wootowl: Mike's new bathroom
wootowl: My new bathroom
wootowl: new(ish) bedroom
wootowl: new(ish) bedroom
wootowl: So long, Blaze Princess...
wootowl: So long, wood wall.
wootowl: After de-throning the Blaze Princess
wootowl: About to put in the wood flooring
wootowl: My favorite room, before it became my favorite...
wootowl: Before, down the hall.
wootowl: Carpet gone, but floor still unraised.
wootowl: In progress, new floor put in.
wootowl: Putting down the floors...
wootowl: Floors down!
wootowl: My favorite room
wootowl: The hallway, as seen from my favorite room.
wootowl: Front entry.