Linda Brike:
Texas Longhorn, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
TCU Horned Frog, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Netherlands Dwarf Rabbit, needle felted wool toy
Linda Brike:
Light Sussex Hen, needle felted soft sculpture
Linda Brike:
Sulphur crested Cockatoo, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Fairy Angel Doll ball, needle felted wool toy
Linda Brike:
Raven Steels the Moon, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Kingfisher, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Horned Lizard ball, needle felted wool art toy
Linda Brike:
American Red Robin ball, needle felted wool art toy
Linda Brike:
Hoopoes, needle felted wool ball birds
Linda Brike:
Nautilus and Octopus, needle felted wool balls
Linda Brike:
Octopus, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Nautilus, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Swan, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Red Fox, needle felted art toy
Linda Brike:
American Badger, needle felted rattling toy
Linda Brike:
Lion, needle felted wool art toy
Linda Brike:
American Buffalo, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Peacock, needle felted wool art toy
Linda Brike:
Tiger, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Tiger, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Rhinoceros, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Crawfish, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Crawfish, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Diamondback Rattlesnake, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Northern Pygmy Owl, needle felted wool ball
Linda Brike:
Owls, needle felted wool art toy balls
Linda Brike:
Great Grey Owl, needle felted wool ball / art toy
Linda Brike:
Great Horned Owl, needle felted wool ball