woolly fabulous: The piece measures approx. 4' x 4'
woolly fabulous: Lovely patterns...
woolly fabulous: Thrifted doilies and embroidery hoops
woolly fabulous: My kitchen is blue....
woolly fabulous: I'll have to add more hoops ...
woolly fabulous: Hanging in the back window...
woolly fabulous: Small sections of doilies ...
woolly fabulous: Not sure what I'll do with these...
woolly fabulous: Lovely patterns...
woolly fabulous: Doily covered river stones...
woolly fabulous: Needle felted base
woolly fabulous: Underneath the umbrella
woolly fabulous: the bottom detail is a pin...
woolly fabulous: The first prototypes...
woolly fabulous: So many possibilities!
woolly fabulous: Working with some felt rope for the petals.
woolly fabulous: Working on ideas for ornaments