woogapdx: Stanley visits Portland, Oregon.
woogapdx: Stanley waits for the MAX light rail to take him downtown. The Steel Bridge is in the background.
woogapdx: Stanley visits the Lan Su Garden in Portland's Chinatown. It is the best and most authentic Classical Chinese Garden in the United States.
woogapdx: Stanley visits Powell's Books, the biggest bookstore in the United States. It takes up a whole city block.
woogapdx: Stanley sees the Mini-bike Public Art Sculpture. People in Portland really like bicycles of all shapes and sizes.
woogapdx: Stanley visits Multnomah County Central Library, the oldest public library in the western United States. Built in 1913, Portland's library has the second highest circulation in the United States.
woogapdx: Stanley visits Portland's Rain Man statue. It rains almost every day in Portland, except during the summer.
woogapdx: Stanley finishes his day at the world-famous Stumptown Coffee, which began in Portland.