WoodyHam: Tower Bridge from the museum
WoodyHam: Sorry - not sure what this is!
WoodyHam: Forgot to note what this building was
WoodyHam: DSCF7215
WoodyHam: DSC_1927whole
WoodyHam: DSC_1929whole
WoodyHam: DSC_1932
WoodyHam: DSC_1934
WoodyHam: DSCF7221
WoodyHam: DSC_1935
WoodyHam: DSCF7222
WoodyHam: DSCF7224
WoodyHam: Make your own cosmetics
WoodyHam: Clocks with the gerkin through the "oval" window
WoodyHam: DSC_1944
WoodyHam: List of all the exhibits
WoodyHam: DSC_1943whole
WoodyHam: DSCF7219whole