WoodlandSprite: Spin365.6 spinning prep. Part of my less is more spin and rainbowy for http://www.ravelry.com/groups/221b/pages/2014-Ravellenic-Games---Team-SHERlocked
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.8 more fiber prep. Need to start something on the wheel again!
WoodlandSprite: Matchless spinners...think I can get 2 more ounces on this bobbin or should I start a new one? #spin365
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.12 the second bobbin joins the first.
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.14 troublemaker on the wheel
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.15 not much added but I did fit some spinning in tonight
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.16 another pass across the bobbin and we are now into the red/pink part of the fiber
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.17 troublemaker sunset
WoodlandSprite: Almost a rainbow. Just missing greens!
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.19 all four ounces! ON THE BOBBIN! WOOT!
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.20 Next up...some chocolate colored semisolid...it also matches my cat :)
WoodlandSprite: Needed to add another colorway for less is more. I selected the dark chocolate brown to be the fifth color in the sweater
WoodlandSprite: Chocolate filled.
WoodlandSprite: First skein plied for less is more....uh 550 yards/3.8 oz. fine gauge knitting ftw?
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.34 430 yards of dark chocolate goodness
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.35 500 yards of troublemaker
WoodlandSprite: So far so good. 2 more colorways to go. 1480 yards spun. #lessismoredeux
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.38 bright and beautiful
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.39 full bobbin
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.40 the final bobbin of singles is underway for less is more
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.41 a sunset on the bobbin.
WoodlandSprite: Here comes the sun. I am loving watching the bobbin fill :)
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.47 MOTS scorch...pondering spinning up monastic robes as a 6th bump and knitting a dress instead of a cardi
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.42 MOTS
WoodlandSprite: Around and around we go....
WoodlandSprite: Spin365.49 spinning some sunshine
WoodlandSprite: The next 3 colorways have been wound into plying cakes. Why did I not buy more of this colorway?!!
WoodlandSprite: This weekend's Plying party results